Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Dear ECS: wonderful days in the Seychelles

Dear ECS, 

Hey sweetie, we have had a wonderful day.  In fact more like several wonderful days in the paradise of the Seychelles.  Yep, at the tender age of two you have already been to one of the most paradisiacal and idyllic spots in the world.  Of course, you lived your first year+ in the idyllic Bahamas; so being in the Seychelles came very naturally.

We snuck away to the Seychelles for a long weekend with our friends.  Our ocean side villa had in essence its own beach, which you put to frequent and adorable use.  Having the beach right out of the back patio made being at the beach so easy and enjoyable. Seeing you running around so so so happily on the beach, running from the water in delight and doing a fair bit of digging hit all the highlights for a two year old reveling in the beach.   Watching you run with all of your being showcased how much you have grown in the months we have been in Addis.  Your physical movement and mental/verbal connections make me as a dad so happy to be part of as you growth and evolution.

That was right out our front door – and it would have been a sublime vacation if we had never left our little compound.  Friends, good food, the beach, what more do you need?  Of course, this being--your ever in movement--parents and family, the chilling did not come naturally and we also drove around the island to enjoy several stunning beaches, which were especially photogenic with the white sand contrasted by the green rainforest, the azure ocean and these huge rocks scattered seemingly everywhere along the coast.

One thing that happens on a good vacation is that time slows down.  Our Seychelles trip had that slowing down in spades, which was welcome from a very hectic February for the Korol family.  We were gone for just a few days, but it felt like two or three times that, in the very best way.  I had been apart from you and your mom for basically two+ weeks straight, so the immersive time we got to spend together on our trip felt extra special.

Victoria, Seychelles and Nassau, Bahamas are separated by 9017.76 miles.  Not much at all!  From the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic, including the entire, massive African continent, that is a long trip.  I was not sure what to expect on the culture side of Seychelles, having spent exactly zero minutes reading up on the culture of the island chains.  So it warmed my heart to see so many similarities to our beloved Bahamas.  Your mom made the point that both places seemed to have cultures that centered around the ocean, which is surprisingly not the case for so many coastal locales.  Both are also heavily tourist dependent.  Both have some of the prettiest waters you will see in this big, bountiful world.  Probably my favorite similarity was how both places have parties, with a tent and BBQ set up on the beach and a soundtrack via a stereo for some serious chilling.

The last cherry on top for our trip was the stunning nature and topography of the islands.  The Seychelles are 360 degrees dramatic, with the most pleasant competition going on for our attention between the stunning waters and the dramatic hills and cliffs.  I had expected islands that were flat, kind if in the vein of what I imagine the Maldives look like.  Nope!  The islands are steep, with thousand foot ridges right off the ocean, and granite cliffs sprinkled throughout the verdant tropical rainforest.  Rather than flat islands poking just above the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles have mountains up to almost 3,000 feet from the ocean a few miles away.  Stunning.

So glad to have spent the time in that stunning landscape with you.
